What's the rumpus :)
I'm Asaf Shapira and this is The Awesome "Network Science in Podcasts" List!
The reason I started NETfrix - The Network Science Podcast - is because I didn't find any podcast that is dedicated to Network Science besides Knitting Networks Podcast and mine of course... Unfortunately, one is in Spanish and the other in Hebrew... Good news! Soon Knitting Networks will start an English version of the podcast (2021) and also Prof. Sune Lehmann is planning to launch a new podcast titled "Too Lazy to Read the Paper" (2021).
Do we see a trend here?... :)
Till then, here are some resources for Network Science enthusiasts, under these constraints:
English only. I refer only to English-speaking podcasts.
The episode should be dedicated to NetSci, SNA and in some cases Graph Theory.
If the featured guest appears in more than one episode, I refer only to one of them.
Serial-guests (famous researchers of the field, for example) appear under "Episodes" with a link to episodes they appeared in.
As I said, there aren't many podcasts dedicated to NetSci. But there are some more affiliated to the field than others. Those podcasts will appear under "Podcasts".
The "episode" links refer to the episode on ListenNotes which is a great site to find podcasts/episodes. The "podcast" links refer to PodLink, which is the easiest way to find the podcast on your favorite platform.
If you're on the list and wish it to link directly to your site - DM (@NetfrixP) or Email (SNApodnet@outlook.com). If you're not on the list - DM/Email immediately and I'll correct this ASAP!
Table and columns explained: The podcasts/episodes I found to be of high quality + interesting/informative/applicable I marked with yellow (The "Awesome List"). Field of application : To which field did Network Science was applied in the episode.
Genre: To which field does the podcast usually relate. Tabs: "NetSci" (Main tab) - Podcasts that deal directly with network science. "NetRelated" (secondary tab) - Podcasts that their content isn't NetSci applications per se but might inspire the use of Network Analysis or host network scientists (telling their life story, for example).
I apologize in advance:
The format of this page is a constraint of WIX. Hope it won't effect the usage.
Type-o's are as they appear in the source.
I decided going for a full list (besides the "Awesome List") because I wanted to expose listeners to the wide range of application of Network Science, so they can be inspired.
I admit, I heard many of them but I haven't heard them all, so they are on my To-Listen list. That's why any feedback will be appreciated.

One final point:
As a podcaster, I can tell you that hosting a podcast is a lot of work. Our reward is your reviews. I can't stress enough how much reviews are important to a podcaster. The closest metaphor I got is the SETI project: When you send your episodes to the internet's galaxy, the downloads' stats signal you if you are on the right track. But your reviews are the back-signal from the Extraterrestrial-Intelligent-Life-Forms saying: "You've made it. And we looove Network Science too!"
So, if you find this podcast or others as worthy, please review! To review NETfrix go to: https://ratethispodcast.com/netfrix